Erick Ikki
En 2017-10-27 06:28:28

What did Alan Kay mean by, "Lisp is the greatest single programming language ever designed?

#lisp #commonlisp #AlanKay #programming #languages

"[...] John made something that could do what any programming language could do (relatively easy), but did it in such a way so that it could express the essence of what it was about (this was the math part or the meta part or the modern Maxwell’s Equations part, however you might like to think of it). He partly did this — he says — to show that this way to do things was “neater than a Turing Machine”.

Another observation about this is that the “slope” from the simplest machine structures to the highest level language was the steepest ever — meaning that the journey from recognizable hardware to cosmic expression is a rocket jump!"


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