Juan Reynoso Elias
En 2017-02-25 14:22:15

Hello world Uncommon Web
What is UCW?
UCW is a multi-paradigm framework for building Web based applications in Common Lisp. It has an extensible core, the RERL, that enables many methods and styles of web development, and can operate using almost any web server as a front end, including a few that come built in.

UCW includes a component oriented system allows both the graphical elements and the presentation logic to be easily reused and adapted, and has features that allow developers to write complex page flow logic as if it was a "regular" sequence of function calls.


Uncommon web provides a framework that abstracts the details of HTTP.  Understanding UCW is the simple matter of understanding theseabstractions, and how they come together to form a ucw application.

Web developers starting with UCW often have trouble understanding how it works. Its more advanced features, such as callbacks and actionsusing continuations, seem to work like magic.

If you want to try UCW as hello world you can clone the repo ucw-hello-world:



You can get the code from github


Load with quicklisp:
CL-USER> (ql:quickload "ucw-hello-world")
To load "ucw-hello-world":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "ucw-hello-world"
CL-USER> (in-package :ucw-hello-world)
UCW-HELLO-WORLD> (start-app)


In your browser set:

#lisp #ucw
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