financialfreedomEn 2017-06-20 08:50:44

No, You Don't Need Expensive Tools or Tech to Be Financially Independent...

Darrow Kirkpatrick from   writes in about how to choose the right tech tools to assist You on your quest for financial Independence:

"The path to financial freedom involves accumulating and managing assets. You need to have more resources coming into your life than going out. And you need to grow those resources. To accomplish that, it helps to have tools and a system. You’ll reach financial independence faster if you’re organized for the journey."

And make a good observation:

"If you try to use all the latest inventions, sign up for every free service available on the web, or fill your mobile device with every downloadable app, you’ll only make your life more complex, stressful, and brittle."

The informatics tools he recommends for automate and simplify his finance  management are the following:

  • Email
  • Calendar
  • Bookkeeping
  • Spreadsheet
  • Note Tracking

In his article he explains in detail the tools he uses  and the way he use it. It's really good advice you should read and put in practice, enjoy!
