Erick Ikki
En 2017-10-27 06:07:51

Why Trello Failed to Build a $1 Billion+ Business

#SaaS #trello #sales #business #fail

"Trello might have become a $1B+ business if it looked like a “system of record” application—the single-source of truth for a company. Imagine if you could use Trello not just to track your marketing funnel, but to move information from your marketing board to your sales pipeline and product roadmap. Instead of having a separate Trello board for each team, you’d have a big board for the entire company.

Trello never became this “system of record.” It was a strong visual metaphor that the competition ultimately copied. The Kanban board turned out to be a really cool UX feature, but not a difficult one to replicate.

In SaaS, you don’t win by getting there first or having the best idea. You win by continually solving the problem better. When you build a feature that’s extremely popular or successful, the competition will steal it.

A lot of insights and proposed solutions on build a financially successful SaaS software, definitely a must read.



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