Table of Contents

1 A simple Hello world with Hunchentoot and Yaclml

1.1 Define a package called alien-test

;; we need two libraries, so we need load by quicklisp
(ql:quickload "hunchentoot")

(ql:quickload "yaclml")

(defpackage alien-test
   (:use :common-lisp :asdf :hunchentoot :yaclml))

1.2 Use the package

(in-package :alien-test)

1.3 Define a global variable

(defparameter *server* nil)

1.4 Define two simple functions to stop and start our web server

(defun start-web-server (&key (port 8090))
  "Start the web server"
  (setf *server* (start (make-instance 'easy-acceptor :port port ))))

(defun stop-web-server ()
  "Stop the web server"
  (stop *server*))

1.5 Create a render-page-wrapper

This function generate the basic structure of a web page HTML => HEAD => BODY

(defun render-page-wrapper (title body)
   (<:html :doctype "html"
	    (<:title (<:as-html title)))
	   (<:body :id "body" (funcall body)))))

1.6 Define a function say-hello, it has a html tag p

This function works inside the body tag

(defun say-hello ()
  (<:p "Hello World!"))

1.7 Define another function called hello which will call by dispatcher of hunchentoot

(defun hello ()
  (render-page-wrapper "Hello" 'say-hello))

1.8 Add the URL '/hello.html' to hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*

(setq *dispatch-table*
       (create-prefix-dispatcher  "/hello.html" 'hello)))

1.9 Start the web server


1.10 Finally open you browser and set the URL

http://localhost:8090/hello.html and you will see the result.

and . . . the code is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  ><body id="body"
  >Hello World!</p

Author: jreynoso

Created: 2018-02-02 vie 18:09
