Erick Ikki
En 2018-07-18 14:24:20

Twitter Founder Reveals Secret Formula for Getting Rich Online

#Twitter #EvWilliams #marketing

""Here’s the formula if you want to build a billion-dollar internet company," he said. "Take a human desire, preferably one that has been around for a really long time...Identify that desire and use modern technology to take out steps."

His recent example is Uber. "How old is the desire of getting from here to there?" he said. "How hard was it really to do? They took out some steps in that process...They formed a connection between you and the driver."

Williams' philosophy might seem pedestrian. But that's the point. Twenty years after people began using the web en masse, it’s time, Williams said, to accept that the internet isn’t a magical universe with boundless potential. It's just another engine for improving quality of life."

You can read the full interview here:

Photo by on Unsplash


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